
At the start of the school day, each student settles into their own ‘office’ and focuses on the day’s academic goals in the Learning Centre. Stars of achievement are awarded during assembly; new PACEs are given out, and PACE tests are prepared for. While the mind is fresh, there is quietness to concentrate on the central skills of reading, writing, and mathematics.

In the Junior and Intermediate sections of the Learning Centre this could also involve group activities, story time, and readers being heard. In the Senior section of the Learning Centre this involves PACE tests for accreditation for the International Certificate of Christian Education.

Students in the Learning Centre work on PACEs at their own speed and according to their own ability. Using this method allows the staff to devote more time to each child. If a child is unable to solve a problem, he or she can call on the Supervisor for help. The Supervisor then works carefully with the child until the difficulty has been overcome.
To help parents understand this unique style of learning they must complete the 'Parent's Orientation Course'. It takes a day to complete but an excellent way for parents to understand the A.C.E programme of learning, and how a student works at their own PACE under supervision within the school.