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At the end of every school year, we host an award ceremony to recognise the achievements both academically and socially of our students throughout the year. Some students have the extra celebration of achieving their ICCE qualification. We use these annual awards ceremonies to recognise the achievements of our ICCE students too. Their final ICCE certificates are also presented at this event.


This grand event is an opportunity to bring families together to celebrate their child’s success and personal achievements. This opportunity for recognition is important to the life of our school. All these certificates are keepsakes and students file them for future memories or progression. Students also vote for each other in various categories. The student with the most votes receives the award of recognition. These awards are for: most friendly, tidiest, promotes the school spirit, funniest, most helpful, and kindest. 

Pace Completion Recognition

When a student completes a PACE they are presented during the school assembly with a congratulation slip. All students applaud and encourage one another for their achievement.


Privilege is an activity that happens every Friday afternoon. It is based around having fun and enjoying doing something together. Each week students will be told of the forthcoming Friday privilege by a notice going up on the classroom wall. All students who achieve 160 merits during the week can go on privilege. Students do not have to spend their merits to take part in the privilege activity; they just have to earn at least 160 merits during the week to qualify. Privilege is from 2:30pm – 3:30pm Friday afternoon, after merit shop learning incentive.

Merit Reward Scheme

Merits are given in recognition of good behaviour and hard work. This merit system wants to recognise all that students do to make our school a better and nicer place to be. We also want them to have some fun and do nice things.

Honour Roll

Honour Roll is a group activity that happens at the end of each term. A notice is displayed on the classroom wall, informing students of the planned Honour Roll activity. It takes place during the last week of the term. Students like to share their views and contribute towards the planning of Honour Roll. It is important that we hear their views and try our best to incorporate their wishes. This has enabled us to host activities such as: go-karting, theme parks, ice skating, cinema and quasar, to name a few. Students are told at the start of each term, the minimum amount of PACEs, book and oral reports they need to complete to work towards their individual learning plan.


Every half term this is broken down for each of them into bite size amounts helping them to achieve this goal. An individual learning plan is devised for all our students. It is a projection of the PACEs and other extra curriculum work needed to be done during the year to ensure they reach the desired academic achievement. Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress at parents’ evenings; however we also try to communicate if a student is running into difficulties, or if they need extra support and motivation. Our aim is to set our students up to succeed. Honour Roll acts as a positive motivational tool and learning incentive.

Academics > Rewards
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